Chinese 21 54710815

Heat curing

A thermosetting resin containing reactive groups is used as an adhesive. When curing agent or heating is added, the liquid adhesives can be further polymerized and crosslinked into a network structure, forming insoluble and non-melting solid bonding layer to achieve the purpose of bonding. It can be cured at room temperature or by heating. The former is called room temperature curing type, and the latter is called heating curing type adhesive.

The main characteristics of this kind of adhesives are: high bonding strength, heat resistance, aging resistance and excellent chemical resistance. The disadvantages are poor impact strength, peeling strength and initial bonding. At the same time, it must be equipped with curing agent.

Mainly used for the bonding of metal and non-metal structural components, is the largest production, the most widely used synthetic adhesives. The thermal curing adhesives developed by our company are widely used in the camera industry and are well received by customers.

Contact us
3rd Floor, Building 1, 1358 Xiangyang Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
+86 21 54710820